

Gifted Academic Program (GAP) Research 1: 11602

Credits 0.5

This semester course offers gifted middle school students the opportunity to delve deeply into a personally meaningful project. By employing advanced research and critical thinking skills, students will independently explore and develop a project that aligns with their passions and interests. This course is designed to challenge and inspire students, providing a differentiated learning experience beyond the regular classroom curriculum. Students must be eligible for gifted academic services in order to be accepted into the class.

Gifted Independent Study: 011501

Credits 0.5
This semester elective which students can take both semesters in eleventh and twelfth grades is designed to help meet the needs of gifted high school students by providing opportunities to assess career choices through mentorship experiences, self-assessment exercises, and career exploration activities. Students are matched with community professionals to complete in-depth study for a minimum of 55 hours per semester; students must also complete 20 hours of classroom instruction. Students are released from school to attend site and must provide their own transportation. A maximum of two credits may be earned by taking this course. Students wishing to take GIS for more than one semester will be served pending space availability. Students will receive a work-based learning designation as a career mentorship upon successful completion of this semester course.

Gifted Independent Study: 011502

Credits 0.5
This semester elective which students can take both semesters in eleventh and twelfth grades is designed to help meet the needs of gifted high school students by providing opportunities to assess career choices through mentorship experiences, self-assessment exercises, and career exploration activities. Students are matched with community professionals to complete in-depth study for a minimum of 55 hours per semester; students must also complete 20 hours of classroom instruction. Students are released from school to attend site and must provide their own transportation. A maximum of two credits may be earned by taking this course. Students wishing to take GIS for more than one semester will be served pending space availability. Students will receive a work-based learning designation as a career mentorship upon successful completion of this semester course.