Career Connections

Program Description

Career Connections is a program area designed to help students prepare for careers and continuing education in a challenging and rapidly changing workplace. These courses provide connecting links for students in pursuit of career development and related career information resources. Students explore pathways, program models, or processes that point the way to career goals.

Work-based Learning

Cooperative Education (Co-op) and Internships are high-quality work-based learning experiences for juniors and seniors that place the student in a workplace environment. This placement allows the student to develop and practice knowledge and skills for a specific career field related to the student’s career interests, abilities, and goals. Co-op is a paid work-based learning experience while internships may be paid or unpaid. Co-op and internships are connected to classroom learning and are guided by a formal, written training plan that defines specific academic, technical, and workplace skills to be mastered. Applications may be obtained from a school counselor or a CTE teacher.

On-the-job hours required to earn credit through cooperative education or internship are as follows:
140 hours = .5 credit
280 hours = 1 credit

Job shadowing is a short-term experience available as a part of Career and Technical Education courses through an application process. Juniors and seniors who are currently enrolled in CTE courses or who have completed a coherent sequence of CTE courses are eligible. The application process includes student narrative and teacher recommendation. Students participating in this work-based learning experience are required to complete a reflective exercise.


The High School Industry Credentialing initiative encourages students to work toward a selected industry credential or state license while pursuing a high school diploma. The Virginia Department of Education evaluates on an on-going basis industry credentials against prescribed criteria for graduation requirements for the Standard Diploma (8VAC20-131-50.B) and student-selected verified credit (8VAC20-131-110.C). Credentialing exams are available to any student taking a Career and Technical Education course.


Career Strategies: 9074

Credits 0.5
This course consists of an in-depth study of career clusters through a variety of investigative activities. Students observe, analyze, and report on the demand for workers, worker qualifications, organizational structures, quality control measures, selected policies and regulations, ethical issues, and rewards of work. Students analyze career assessment results, compare various educational options, and develop or revise a plan related to their academic and career-related goals.

Career Strategies: 9071

Credits 1.0
Career Strategies consists of an in-depth study of career clusters through a variety of investigative activities. Students observe, analyze, and report on the demand for workers, worker qualifications, organizational structures, quality control measures, selected policies and regulations, ethical issues, and rewards of work. Students analyze career assessment results, compare various educational options, and develop or revise a plan related to their academic and career-related goals. The year-long option has embedded work-based learning experiences.

Education for Employment I: 9085/9078

Credits 1.0
The EFE program is open to all students who require individualized support and assistance in order to acquire employability skills. The primary purpose of this course is to develop skills needed to find job openings, develop pre-employment skills, demonstrate job interview skills, maintain and use personal pay records, explain banking services, explore career opportunities, and develop attitudes that enhance a student’s ability to become employed and/or capable of seeking further education and training. This course is a prerequisite for the EFE co-op program.

Education for Employment II: 90871/90801

Credits 1.0
This course prepares students for competitive employment through simulated work and job coaching activities in the classroom and supervised work experiences that may be school-based or community-based. Emphasis is placed on continuous assessment and improvement of individual employability skills.

Education for Employment II (Co-op/Internship): 90872/90802

Credits 2.0

This course prepares students for competitive employment through simulated work and job coaching activities in the classroom and supervised work experiences that may be school-based or community-based. Emphasis is placed on continuous assessment and improvement of individual employability skills.

Entrepreneurship Education: 90931

Credits 1.0
This course introduces students to the exciting world of creating, owning, and launching their own business. Students will learn concepts and techniques for planning an entrepreneurial venture, using design thinking and business model development. Students will learn about financial statements, marketing principles, sales and customer service, and basic economic principles for successful operation.

Entrepreneurship Education (Co-op/Internship): 90932

Credits 2.0

This course introduces students to the exciting world of creating, owning, and launching their own business. Students will learn concepts and techniques for planning an entrepreneurial venture, using design thinking and business model development. Students will learn about financial statements, marketing principles, sales and customer service, and basic economic principles for successful operation.